Subject Page
Religious Education
At Peaslake we follow the agreed syllabus for Religious Education in Surrey Schools 2023-2028.
Click here to view the syllabus.
By the end of KS1 we would like pupils to be able to:
Talk simply about core beliefs and concepts and what they mean.
Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary when they identify similarities in features of religion and belief
Retell religious, spiritual and moral stories
Identify how stories / symbols / objects might show what people believe
Identify how belief is expressed in different ways for different people
Talk about different communities of people
Give examples of how people put their beliefs into practice, in the home, in places of worship or in living their lives
Give a reason why something may be of value to themselves and/or others, recognising different viewpoints
Respond sensitively and imaginatively to questions about being human and their own place in the world
Ask thoughtful questions about their own and others’ ideas, feelings and experiences
Recognise that some questions about life are difficult to answer
Respond to questions about e.g. ‘right’/‘wrong’, ‘good’/’bad, ‘real’/‘true’
Give a simple reason for a view that they have